CLP trainees will have the opportunity to participate in a broad range of research programs. CLP faculty research programs feature an integrated, collaborative approach across disciplines. The 51 preceptors are best characterized as highly interdisciplinary with almost 39% holding multiple departmental appointments and 18% holding even more than two appointments.

Guillermo Antonio Ameer, PhD
Biomedical Engineering
Development of biomaterials and nanotechnology for regenerative engineering and medicine, specifically tissue engineering, medical devices, drug delivery, and cell delivery applications to improve surgery outcomes and patient care
Office: Tech B382
Phone: 847-467-2992

Daniel Arango, PhD
Unraveling the molecular mechanisms by which post-transcriptional modifications of RNA regulate mRNA processing, stability, and translation and how this interplay affects cell fate decisions in cancer
Office: Lurie 7-119
Phone: 312-503-0732

Vadim Backman, PhD
Biomedical Engineering
Optical imaging, coherent backscattering spectroscopy for tissue diagnosis, fractal organization of cells and tissues, light scattering and propagation in random/turbid media
Office: Silverman Hall 3627
Phone: 847-391-3536

Xiaomin Bao, PhD
Molecular Biosciences
Epigenomic regulation of stem cell maintenance and differentiation
Xiaomin Bao, PhD
Phone: 847-467-1833
Office: Pancoe 4413

Issam Ben-Sahra, PhD
Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics
Understanding the impact of metabolic pathways controlled by mTOR, a nutrient-sensing regulator of cell growth, on the properties of cells and tumors with specific upstream oncogenic pathways activated.
Office: Simpson Querrey 7520
Phone: 312-503-5318

Paul Burridge, PhD
Pharmacogenomics of cardiac disease and drug toxicity
Paul Burridge, PhD
Phone: 312-503-4895
Office: Searle 8-525

Richard Carthew, PhD
Molecular Biosciences
RNAi and Gene Regulation
Richard Carthew, PhD
Office: Pancoe 3111
Phone: 847-467-4891

Deyu Fang, PhD
Deyu Fang, PhD
Molecular Mechanisms of Immune Regulation
Office: Ward Building Room 3-140
Phone: 312-503-3021

Daniel R. Foltz, PhD
Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics
Chromosome segregation during cell division ensuring the complete and accurate inheritance of the genome
Office: Simpson Querrey 7-301
Phone: 312-503-5684

Alfred George, PhD
Structure, function, pharmacology, and molecular genetics of ion channels
Phone: 312-503-4893
Office: Searle 8-510

Nathan Gianneschi, PhD
Fundamental and translational research into biomaterials, polymers, nanomaterials, in situ electron microscopy, biomimicry, therapeutics, diagnostics and novel functional materials
Phone: 847-491-2105
Office: Tech J131

Cara J. Gottardi, PhD
Medicine (Pulmonary and Critical Care) and Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics
Cell-cell adhesion in health and disease
Phone: 312-503-4123
Office: Simpson Querry 525

Erica Hartmann, PhD
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Focuses on understanding, at the molecular level, how microbial communities respond to anthropogenic chemicals and then using that information to influence real-world outcomes, especially by controlling the spread of undesirable traits.
Phone: 847-467-4528
Office: Tech A322

Yuan He, PhD
Molecular Biosciences
Structure and function of macromolecular machines on genes
Office: Cook 4139
Phone: (847) 491-8526

Brian Hoffman, PhD
Catalytic mechanisms of metalloenzymes through the development and implementation of electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectroscopy
Office: Tech NG91
Phone: (847) 491-3104

Curt Horvath, PhD
Molecular Biosciences; Microbiology – Immunology
Signal transduction and gene expression in mammalian cells
Office: Pancoe 4401
Phone: 847-491-5530

Derk Joester, PhD
Material Science Engineering
Biomineral engineering, biological and bio-inspired minerals synthesis and processing, bioinorganic chemical applications
Office: Cook 2087
Phone: 847-491-7443

Julia Kalow, PhD
Reversibly photocontrolled polymer networks, catalyst-free reprocessable elastomers, photochemical reaction discovery for organic materials
Office: Tech M292
Phone: 847-467-4972

Neil Kelleher, PhD
Molecular Biosciences;
Chemistry; Medicine
Enzymology of natural product biosynthesis, mass spectrometric-based studies of the “Histone Code,” and development of Fourier transform mass spectrometry (FTMS) for top down proteomics
Phone: 847-467-4362
Office: Silverman Hall 3613

Shana Kelley, PhD
Biomolecular Sensors, Rare / Single Cell Profiling, Intracellular Molecular Delivery, Biotemplated Nanomaterials
Phone: 847-467-4176
Office: Silverman Hall 3611

Hiroaki Kiyokawa, MD, PhD
Pharmacology and Pathology Cell cycle control, cellular differentiation and malignant transformation, with a focus on protein regulation by ubiquitination
Office: Ward 9176
Phone: 312-503-0699

William Klein, PhD
Toxic Aβ oligomers (ADDLs): a molecular basis for the cause, diagnosis, and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
Office: Hogan 5-110
Phone: 847-491-5510

Yevgenia Kozorovitskiy, PhD
Neuromodulation and neural circuit plasticity in the basal ganglia using chemical probes
Office: Pancoe 2-403
Phone: 847-467-4898

Carole LaBonne, PhD
Molecular Biosciences
Formation, migration, and differentiation of neural crest cells
Office: Pancoe 3411
Phone: 847-491-4165

Joshua N. Leonard, PhD
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Engineering cellular systems and biomolecules for immunotherapy, synthetic biology, and biotechnology
Office: Tech E244
Phone: 847-491-7455

Julius B. Lucks, PhD
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Unraveling the RNA sequence/structure/function code for biology, medicine and biotechnology
Office: Tech E136
Phone: 847-467-2943

Christian Malapit, PhD
Organic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, and electrochemistry
Office: Ward 9176
Phone: 847-467-2629

John Marko, PhD
Molecular Biosciences; Physics and Astronomy
Experimental study of protein-DNA interactions and chromosome structure, using single-molecule and biophysical micromanipulation, force-measurement and fluorescence methods.
Office: Pancoe 4109
Phone: 847-467-1380

Thomas Meade, PhD
Chemistry; Molecular Biosciences; Neurobiology; Radiology
Coordination chemistry, biological molecular imaging, bio sensors
Office: Silverman Hall 2504
Phone: 847-491-2481

Marc Mendillo, PhD
Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics
Systems that promote protein homeostasis and understanding how these they are co-opted and perturbed in malignancy
Office: Simpson Querrey 7303
Phone: 312-503-5685

Chad Mirkin, PhD
Chemistry; Biomedical Engineering; Chemical and Biological Engineering; Materials Science and Engineering; Medicine
Methods for controlling the architecture of molecules and materials on the 1-100 nm length scale, and utilizing such structures in the development of analytical tools that can be used in chemical and biological sensing, therapeutics, lithography, catalysis, and optics
Office: Ryan 3012
Phone: 847-467-7302

Alfonso Mondragon, PhD
Molecular Biosciences
Structure and function of proteins and nucleic acids
Office: Cook 4131
Phone: 847-491-7726

Richard Morimoto, PhD
Molecular Biosciences
Stress responses and chaperone networks and mechanisms of protein conformational disease
Office: Hogan 2100
Phone: 847-491-3340

Milan Mrksich, PhD
Biomedical Engineering; Chemistry
Biochemistry, self-assembled monolayers, cell adhesion, surface modification / characterization, SAMDI, mass spectrometry, high-throughput assays, biochips, drug discovery, proteomics, extracellular matrix
Office: Tech M292
Phone: 847-467-0472

Teri Wang Odom, PhD
Chemistry; Materials Science and Engineering
Developing novel synthetic and fabrication tools to control materials at the 100-nanometer scale and investigate their extraordinary optical properties for applications ranging from from biomedical research to next-generation optical technologies.
Office: Tech K148
Phone: 847-491-7674

Monica Olvera de la Cruz, PhD
Materials Science and Engineering; Chemical and Biological Engineering
Development of models to describe the self-assembly of heterogeneous molecules including amphiphiles, copolymers, and synthetic and biological polyelectrolytes, as well as the segregation and interface adsorption in multicomponent complex fluids.
Office: Silverman 4621
Phone: 847-491-7801

Heather Pinkett, PhD
Molecular Biosciences
Structure and function of ABC transporters, Molecular mechanism of membrane transport
Office: Cook 4133
Phone: 847-467-4048

Arthur Prindle, PhD
Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics
Focuses on understanding how molecular and cellular interactions give rise to collective behaviors in microbial communities.
Office: Simpson Querrey Research Bldg; 302 E Huron St, Room 11-500
Phone: 650-796-1998

Ishwar Radhakrishnan, PhD
Molecular Biosciences
Structural biology of eukaryotic transcription factors and their interactions with proteins and DNA; informatics of transcription factors and macromolecular complexes; structural biology of endocytic proteins and monoubiquitin signal recognition
Office: Cook 4135
Phone: 847-467-1173

Gabriel J. Rocklin, PhD
Development of high-throughput methods for protein biophysics and protein design, with a focus on protein therapeutics
Office: Simpson Querrey Building 11-517

Amy Rosenzweig, PhD
Molecular Biosciences; Chemistry
Structure and function of metalloproteins
Office: Cook 4137
Phone: 847-467-5301

George Schatz, PhD
Chemistry; Chemical & Biological Engineering
Plasmonic materials, single molecule mechanical properties and DNA photophysics and mechanical properties
Office: Ryan 4018
Phone: 847-491-5657

Karl Scheidt, PhD
Discovery of new reaction methodology and bioorganic chemistry
Office: Silverman Hall 3611
Phone: 847-491-6659

Richard Silverman, PhD
Investigations of the molecular mechanisms of action, rational design, and syntheses of potential medicinal agents, particularly for neurodegenerative diseases, lysosomal storage diseases, and cancer.
Office: Silverman Hall 4603
Phone: 847-491-5653

Krishna Srinivas, PhD
Chemical and Biological Engineering
At the intersection of biology, physics, and engineering, we will work to elucidate fundamental scientific mechanisms while also pursuing translational applications to impact human health and bioengineering.
Office: Tech E156

Samuel Stupp, PhD
Materials Science and Engineering; Chemistry; Medicine
Self-assembly of nanostructures as a strategy to create materials with novel functions, ranging from improved electronic properties to enhanced biological activity
Office: Cook 1127
Phone: 847-491-3002

Igal Szleifer, PhD
Biomedical Engineering; Chemical and Biological Engineering; Chemistry; Medicine
Molecular modeling of biointerphases; complex molecular systems that encompass problems at the interface between biology, chemistry, physics and materials science
Office: Silverman Hall 4629
Phone: 847-467-0674

Regan Thomson, PhD
Synthesis of complex polycyclic natural products
Office: Tech K 330
Phone: 847-467-5963

Danielle Tullman-Ercek, PhD
Chemical Biological Engineering
Engineering of membrane proteins and protein membranes
Office: Silverman 3619
Phone: (847) 491-7043

Keith E.J. Tyo, PhD
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Developing new types of standardized parts for manipulating cellular function in microbes
Office: Tech E156
Phone: 847-868-0319

Reza Vafabakhsh, PhD
Molecular Biosciences
Acquiring quantitative mechanistic characterizations of synaptic players at different length scales to describe this complexity and towards an understanding of the molecular nature of information processing in the brain
Office: Pancoe 4107
Phone: 847-467-0435

Lisa Volpatti, PhD
Biomedical Engineering and Chemical and Biological Engineering
Engineering immunomodulatory drugs such as cytokines to target specific cell or tissue types and reduce the side effects of immunotherapies. Treating the inflammation that underlies metabolic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, liver disease, and cancer.
Office: Tech E334

Lu Wang, PhD
Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics
Human Cancer Development: Understanding the Important Functions of Epigenetic Factor Mutations. Novel Cancer Treatment Options: Targeting Dys-Regulated Epigenetic Factors
Office: Simpson Querrey 7404
Phone: 847-313-8906

Xiaozhong (Alec) Wang, PhD
Department of Molecular Biosciences Regulatory mechanisms that control cell-fate decision during development in mammals. Combine genomic and genetic approaches to investigate how microRNAs and chromatin regulators influence gene expression in embryonic stem cells. How Pcdh signaling pathway regulates the survival of spinal interneurons
Office: Pancoe 1405
Phone: 847-467-4897

Bin Zhang, MD, PhD
Medicine (Hematology and Oncology); Microbiology-Immunology Designing and developing new immunotherapies and immunologic strategies for cancer treatment
Office: Tarry 4-725
Phone: 312-503-2447

Hao Zhang, PhD
Biomedical Engineering
Design and development of biomedical optics: optical coherence tomography, super-resolution optical imaging, ophthalmic imaging, and single-molecular imaging
Office: Tech M335
Phone: 847-491-2946

Xiaoyu Zhang, PhD
New drug modalities, Cancer neoantigens, E3 ubiquitin ligases, Functional proteomics
Office: Tech L214
Phone: 847-491-4441

Joshua J. Ziarek, PhD
The characterization of biomolecular interactions, the molecular mechanisms of allostery, and the rational design of molecular therapeutics/tools – with a long-standing interest in G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs)
Office: Feinberg School of Medicine
Phone: 312-503-6782